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Brainwashed Puerto Rico by L.E. Vega, Author, Satirist, and Entrepreneur

“If you don’t know where you're going,
 any road will take you there.”
                      Quote by
                  George Harrison
        from his ‘Brainwashed' album


Let me start stating that the unpaid debt deadline to Wall Street resulting from the fact that the Puerto Rican electric company failed to pay the loan, well this deadline needs to be extended, so that the people of Puerto Rico can receive immediate assistance.

Those politicians responsible for this prolonged debt need to pay a fine that will pay off the debt, or go to jail. Plus, those in Wall Street who failed to serve as consultants when they issued the loan, should pay a fine as well, or go to jail. ***** (Insert, a reply to this blog by Partido Nacionalista of Puerto Rico - Please read below this blog. I t is a lucha to understand Puerto Rico's history, and I really try. Thanks)

Moreover, I am a believer that people should only receive assistance for one or two years, and should not turn it into a lifetime dependency.  It is time for Puerto Rico to accept help now, and to start again in an independent fashion.

The peculiar process used to handle the aftermath of Hurricane Maria should be considered alarming. Usually, the U.S. Postal Service is called to duty to deliver packages sent from loved ones to their families in Puerto Rico, which does not appear to be happening, obviously a tactic to hike up dependency. Also, it seems that in case of an emergency, the water sources from El Yunque Rainforest ought to be available, and no one seems to be considering any options other than escalating dependency.

Hurricane Maria, a Real Opportunity to Reverse an 'Engineered Poverty of the Mind' state in Puerto Rico

First of all, I am insider who comes from a family of politicians in Puerto Rico that was abused by the Department of Psychopaths in Wasington or from here on, more informally, DOP. 

My grandfather, by refusing to work on USA mainland, made a true political and professional statement, and I seem to be the only one who heard him.

For years, I have been reporting the truth about Puerto Rico. It is not an accident that one of the best selling data is the Zombie line of products. Americans, including Puerto Ricans, lead, generally speaking, a Zombie existence, so my truth has been secondary to the lies of our world.

A psychopath, contrary to the lies we are digesting, does not usually come from impoverished families, but from successful and supposedly distinguished families like mine. Besides, while not everyone in Washington behaves like a psychopath, many are either pressured by psychopaths to align with the 
DOP, or are psychopaths themselves.

They are dangerous as hell because they have a hypnotic effect on people. Just think of the many Americans who are hypnotized by the DOP to believe that military intervention is beneficial, for example.

This author witnessed the life of a cousin, a budding Tito Puente, being shredded by a psychopathic uncle serving the DOP. As a result, this exceptionally talented drummer spent his life like a rejected social vegetable.

Of course, my uncle is very dangerous, regardless of which political ideology he was serving. His psychopathic siblings, one or two of them, are also dangerous. They were tolerable, and after the family's political connection, they got really bad, and I think that the DOP influence, whether directly, or indirectly, played an enormous role.

Think of the millions of Puerto Ricans who received shoes, food, etc. in the island's military intervention in 1898. Ever since, they have been hypnotized to exchange their wealth of mind for the poverty of mind resulting for over a century of dependency on US aid.

We must comprehend that before Puerto Rico can move forward in any way, they must first recognize the poverty of mind imposed on its people, and shed it like dead skin that never had any life in the first place.

Image result for images of egyptians slaves on ships                      This photo is like the picture of the typical Puerto Rican mind, enslaved in poverty.
We have all witnessed images or scenes of Egyptian slaves rowing a ship, synchronized to do as programmed. Well, Puerto Ricans serve the Department of Psychopaths in the same pattern of slavery, which is sad and seems incurable to reverse the pattern of reducing conditioning.

Luis Muñoz Marin's life was a real Puerto Rican tragedy. Many political opponents even accuse him of being addicted to drugs, and he probably was. However, he may have been because some in Washington manipulated him in the same way that people like Elvis Presley have been by greedy individuals. Washington used its power to insure that Muñoz Marin did not form any coalitions with Pedro Albizu Campos, the founder of the Nationalist Party, and no doubt, Puerto Rico's major leader ever. Regarding Ley de La Mordaza (Gag Law)

The Nationalist Party, regardless of your political preferences, has been the only true political party in P.R. Today’s existing parties, Democratic, the Republican, and the Independent parties, all run on Washington platform machines. The Independent Party, with due respect to some of its brilliant leaders and founders, is a WASHINGTON SLAVE, depending on USA funds for re-inscription, which is ludicrous because Puerto Ricans would love to become the next independent Singapore, and consequently, the re-inscription numbers should not pose a problem were it not for the U.S.A. interfering.

As children, we play a game asking ourselves, if we were stranded on an island, what would be the one most important thing to take to survive? Some of us argued that the most important thing was water, or fire, or a fishing harpoon. Well, after many years of yoga and meditation, I realize that the most important thing to survive is clarity or wealth of mind.

And, you know what? If Puerto Ricans, as we speak, exercised this mind wealth, they could, of course, with sacrifice, become another Singapore. One of the world's superior leaders was Mr. Ho Chi Min. The US accused him of starving his Vietnamese people. If you learn history, though, it was France and Japan that were responsible for the extreme poverty. In fact, today's Hanoi Hilton was once a Utopian farm that when invaded by French troops, was turned into a genocidal prison.

So, yes, you need sacrifice, but first, you must, as a nation, enter a healthy state of mind clarity.

Mr. Pedro Albizu Campos was abused by Puerto Ricans brainwashed by Washington. While in a federal prison, tortured with radiation, he asked for towels to relief skin ulcers. The prison staff branded him as “the king of towels”. I have been very harassed and poisoned by irresponsible Puerto Ricans, and Freddie Prinze, Sr. when he performed in Isla Verde, was banned from ever performing there again. In my novel Ms. Quixote Goes Country, I expand on the real wind mills.

Mr. Pedro Albizu Campos was not a riff raff Puerto Rican. He was a graduate of Harvard who in addition networked with the Mahatma Gandhi organization at Harvard. As he received reprogramming from the U.S. Federal Government, I believe it explains why he plotted an attempt against President Truman, or maybe some bad guys hired in Washington pretended to be nationalists and set him up. Of course, I have no proof. However, there is proof that Mr. Albizu Campos was metaprogrammed, and he actually recorded the experience, as gathered in a blog I share below this blog.

Mr. Albizu Campos, from La Princesa Federal Prison in Perto Rico, humorously and explicitly describes the metaprogramming used to target him. Later, the authorities admitted that the intense lights that he felt which made his head very heavy, were part of an electronic experiment conducted by the U.S. Armed Forces, which set up quarters next to the prison, and once the nationalists exposed them publicly, they demolished the quarters adjacent to the prison to destroy the evidence.

             (My link to Mr. Pedro Albizu Campos Blog)

Maybe the Nationalist Party, to save face, with due respect, deny that Albizu Campos and Lolita Lebron were metaprogrammed. If they acted on their own, I do not excuse the violence, and yet, who can blame them, after Luis Muñoz Marin himself rejected the Tidyings-MacDuffy Act to free Puerto Rico? 

I doubt, though, they acted independently since Albizu Campos was consistent, so why would he be upholding the peaceful philosophy one day, and the terrorist attack the next?

I think that the United States needed to forever taint the Nationalist Party, setting it up as a bunch of terrorists I also think that the US manipulation within the party has also lingered. For instance, they could be doing and saying so much to make Puerto Rico realize that revolts like El Grito De Lares are still present in the everyday lives of Puerto Ricans, in one way or another. They seem instead to be stuck on that specific moment of the revolt instead of broadening the message, For example, in theatrical plays, productions could show that El Grito is still gnawing in the current lives of all Puerto Ricans. Instead they show the specific moment of the rebellion, without relating it to the present haunting moments, in many ways, lived by all Puerto Ricans of all walks of life. Mr. Albizu Campos broadened messages, so the Nationalist Party should not stagnate any messages, so why aren't his successors doing the same?

As a member, for about one year, of the Independence Party in P.R., there was another male member switched from the Republican Party to the Independence Party, and he really tried to block my contribution to the Independence cause, succeeding because he made significant donations to the party. So, there are Washington pawns just terrorizing Puerto Ricans like me in every ideology in PR, and in every country in the planet.

While most Puerto Ricans are tough, resourceful fighters and very generous, there are some real bad guys. Such statement makes me wonder, is it a waste of time to bother to dedicate this extensive compilation, a huge and time consuming effort, or anything to Puerto Rico? Somehow, Somewhere, my tears have overflowed the wishing well assigned to me by the Universe. Through it all, Jesus has saved me, and all those bad guys who are either psychopaths or chess like pawns, get what they deserve because the Universe is in charge.

Along the way, I have discovered that psychopaths hate the mention of Jesus, or God, as it is impossible for them to have Jesus’s or God's true power. They want to be me, me, me and power. They are responsible for the enslaved Puerto Rican ship, a crew programmed to reject true leaders. Then, ironically, they complain about this or that in Puerto Rico, and they need to understand that they hold their own key to wealth of the mind.

Without side tracking too much, right now Puerto Rico could be really building a real foundation taking advantage of renewable energy, and saving all the rain water to drink instead of waiting for help since 1898. And, instead of rebuilding Hurricane Maria ruins, they could honor the land and use it to extend farming, instead of depending on imported donated meals that are not healthy, and I know because I have worked in social related services in the mainland, and those meals are full of toxins. And, what about the coconut water, how come they do not drink it instead of toxic sodas? It is important to note that the rich tropical forest, a source of food and water, is fenced by U.S.  Federal Government, and no one is to trespass. If its fences were open to Puerto Ricans, it could provide an alternative tool.

Moreover, if a hard working Puerto Rican right now decided to start roasting plantains, the Federal Government would pull him over and probably give him a nasty fine or put him in jail, or both, because the USA has put ridiculous restrictions on Puerto Ricans, so that they cannot sell street food, or try to make a living somehow as a street merchant, a matter that Albizu Campos gave much attention to.

So, Mr. Luis Muñoz Marin took a secret to his grave. He was a good friend of my family and I can respectfully tell you what the secret was as if Mr. Muñoz Marin himself gave me the task. His family recalls that he spent his days in a state of melancholy. He wanted to tell you that he was a puppet of the U.S. I think that he owed Puerto Rico the truth, but maybe he was too programmed himself to realize it, or perhaps he was wary about what some in the US would be capable of were he to spill the beans. Nevertheless, I respect his silence since my grandfather was also a politician who swore oath under the American flag when he served in office. His music possibly soothed the silence he also had to endure. If Washington had allowed Muñoz Marin to express himself as a writer, which was his real passion and profession, perhaps the history of Puerto Rico would have turned in another direction!

My grandfather, like Muñoz Marin, lived with a certain melancholy. I believe that Muñoz Marin was forced by Washington to scout Socialists like my grandfather, to facilitate the DOP to turn their families into a  tragedy, to prevent true progress in Puerto Rico. 

Socialists like my grandfathers are called ‘melons’, green like the independent party color on the outside and red like Muñoz Marin’s democratic party color on the inside. My grandfather, though, never denied that he was a Socialist, like many melons. Washington must have really feared my grandfather, who could have swept the victory of his election as an independent candidate, so he was seduced to run as a democrat.

Nationalists in Puerto Rico celebrated their anniversaries in my hometown, which was considered the nationalist cradle of Puerto Rico. So, they really must have been terrified of my grandfather, and now of his granddaughter, this writer.

Around the time I graduated from college, I began to design a new logo for Puerto Rico's democratic party. I reckoned its straw hat symbol seemed obsolete and was not representative of mind wealth. 

Roberto Sanchez Vilella was a Democratic Governor in Puerto Rico in the 1960's. After one term, he ran as an independent, and formed a party that replaced the "straw hat" logo with the logo of a sun, and named his party "El Sol". Therefore, I had the right idea thinking that the Democratic Party in Puerto Rico needed new representation.

In 2000, Puerto Ricans held a status referendum, and they picked statehood. A jerk from Washington responded that it was a process, and that Puerto Ricans had to get in line. What a bloody joke! There was never a process. It was simply a blessing for P.R.

Hurricane Maria was also an opportunity for Puerto Rico. It sounds awful. One of the saddest days of my life was taking a plane ride over Puerto Rico after Hurricane George around 1998. So, I understand the agony. I have also experienced agony being expatriated only because I am a leader with integrity, like my grandfather. And with each tragic moment, I turned it all into an opportunity.

This is an opportunity for Puerto Rico to rebuild itself in so many ways. One way is to redevelop in a vertical as opposed to horizontal development. One of the most destructive development strategies was the construction of housing parks or urbanizaciones, so as a result, we may not have land to plant coconut trees.

La Perla / Puerto Rico’s New Status, a Resort State?

Some two years or so ago, I wrote a message on Facebook to Donald Trump, which he completely ignored. He was one of the key players in a project to demolish La Perla, a ghetto in P.R. to turn it into a tourist resort. In my message, I presented an innovative resort modeling some gypsy tourist areas in Spain, thus giving the opportunity to La Perla residents to be a part of the development instead of being displaced.

And, incidentally, the statehood issue is being brought up again after Hurricane Maria, not for the sake of Puerto Rico but because now that Puerto Ricans are scared away from P.R., and are seriously leaving their island, it is a chance for the greedy in the US to turn P.R. entirely into a profitable island resort, including the land vacated by the Navy in 2000, which is apparently on hold purposely to benefit a few nasty pockets.

My satirical novel has turned out to be somewhat prophetic after the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria. La Perla is a slum located a stone's throw from the protected landscape encasing the island's capitol. The government of Puerto Rico planned to displace La Perla residents and wipe out the community in order to raise a row of boring hotels in its place, hotels that lacked typical island flavor.

For years, I never really noticed La Perla. One always heard about it and was told to avoid it. When I returned to Puerto Rico after a journey resulting from repatriation from the island, which is how the island politics deals with resourceful Puerto Ricans capable of integrity, I came to notice La Perla, standing like Arthur Conan Doyle's “Lost World”. At the time, I wrote a short story about it, depicting it as a ’lost world’. Years later, my muse inspired me to expand my short story into a novel.

 "Entitlement Day, La Perla, America's Lost World", by Author L.E. Vega

Elbita, the main character in the novel, teaches the community to plant gardens, and to collect mangoes from trees on the sides of many roads in Puerto Rico and use them to make mango salads and other recipes. Years ago, I began to provide this information to the Puerto Rican public expressing fear that they would starve in case of a natural disaster. Like Elbita, I distributed publicly 'how to prepare for the unexpected'  information. For example, people can start a vegetable garden, also adding that we need to eat healthier foods.

One sunny afternoon, Elbita falls asleep on a vacant lawn in La Perla after she ate some dandelion, regretting the choice to eat dandelion, not knowing if it was poisonous. After she woke up, she felt so refreshed, that she wandered if she had died and was floating in heaven. Discovering the benefits of dandelion, she shared the wisdom, so that others added dandelion to their diets, and consequently, their health improved.

This is really a time for Puerto Ricans to start over and improve their diets as well. The Puerto Rican diet consists of rice, beans, and meet, which is too much protein that the body converts into sugar, so no wonder diabetes is such a huge problem there!

In addition, tropical fruits are no longer grown, so Puerto Ricans instead eat American junk food, and they need fruits and vegetables in their diets.

Moreover, the destruction caused by Hurricane Maria could have been avoided, even the hurricane itself could have been avoided, since it was highly probable, part of a climatic engineering agenda, based on scientific analyses. Plus, building specifications must either be updated, enforced, or renewed, in Puerto Rico and in the USA, for builders may be using cheap materials, so that homes are destroyed during a tornado or other natural catastrophes.

The corruption in the power company could have been avoided or rectified as well, instead of waiting for such a crucial event unleashed on the island. How come politicians from all political parties did not steer the electric company properly? And at this time, it is the perfect opportunity to put in laws to allow both off the grid and electrical consumption on the electricity bill.

Nobody seems to be talking about the fact that for months, Puerto Rico has had earthquakes on a daily basis, and that is not like Puerto Rico.  Something is not adding up. Earthquakes are becoming more frequent and intense. Hence, it is a sign that an earthquake may impact Puerto Rico, causing a mega tsunami, and since P.R. sits on a volcano, parts of Puerto Rico may sink into the ocean, all these scenarios still preferable to the jolting scenario awaiting the U.S. mainland.

Next, I have copied reliable data analyzing the subject of meteorological engineering man-made hurricanes.

The present Governor of Puerto Rico is the son of a former Governor, who was a good one. However, based on unsuccessful prior calls to Washington for a road to statehood, we are wasting our time begging for statehood. Our three political parties, with much respect, are a complete farce, just like their counterparts in the mainland. Hopefully, Governor Roselló will not feel pressure to detour the island to a Resort State.


The coalition strategy could prove effective in rebuilding a solid foundation for Puerto Rico. Coalitions can work together. The trick is to avoid the brainwashed poverty of mind and the corruption get in the way, just like coalitions in the mainland that suffer the same poverty of mind fate. As long as people work for a cause, stick together, be conscious that many in Washington want to divide and conquer, and as long as people avoid division, it should yield positive results. It is certainly a valid alternative.

In the early 21st Century, a Puerto Rican governor, Anibal Acevedo Vila, was thrown out of office on charges of corruption. He had served as a Representative in D.C. during Sila. Calderón’s administration. Calderón was the first female governor in the island, a real buddy of Donald Trump, and may have set the stage for a future Resort State.  After the Navy evacuated from Vieques, beautiful properties are just empty lots growing weeds, one up for grabs formula for greedy developers.

In the interim, the FBI became as the acting governor of Puerto Rico until Puerto Ricans voted for a candidate to replace Acevedo Vila. 
It sounds so dangerous to realize that the FBI was in charge. Anyone can see the take-over agenda!

The English Language isn't oppressing Puerto Rico or any country 

It is a fact that Western languages have been controlled. The original version of the German language was not abused, so Germans were not programmed linguistically. The same is true for the English language. For example, the word ‘cancer’ is a holy word, but due to the controlling engineering, we associate the word with a deadly disease, for which, incidentally, and without deviating too much from my narrative, and contrary to what we are taught to believe, it has a cure, and can be prevented, so we don’t have to experience either medical and or financial anguish as patients.

Anyway, the Spanish language is probably one of the most manipulated languages in the world. Therefore, it is not a coincidence that Spaniards and their Latin American counterparts who have kept the language alive have lived a history of oppression and scarcity, resulting from much manipulation at the linguistic, as well as political levels.

So, when many Puerto Ricans reject the English language, which is after all their choice, they should also be aware of the linguistic manipulation which occurred to the Spanish language as well. When I taught English in Puerto Rico, I noticed the grammatical poverty in their native language, Spanish.

When I asked some students to look up a Spanish word such as ‘vaso’ (cup), they couldn’t find it in the dictionary because they were misspelling it ‘baso’. I told them that whichever language they preceded to speak, that they should speak it well, and suggested they purchase both a Spanish and English dictionary.

One student acted like such a sick puppy. From the start, he hated me because I am a Native English speaker, and he hated English, yet he was a fanatic Republican for statehood. Hey, wake up! If Puerto Rico becomes a state, do you think you will be speaking Spanish? How can you be for statehood and hate the English language. That is bloody sick!

Now, it was Luis Muñoz Marin who was instrumental in retaining Spanish as the main language in public schools, possibly due to political pressures to push away the political groups seeking the statehood platform. The result is catastrophic since students in many countries from a young age learn English, which opens future professional doors.

Right, now, many Puerto Ricans rushing to the mainland do not speak English, and will have limitations when seeking employment there.
Besides, mark my words, they will be back in Puerto Rico as the climatic and banking and all types of greedy engineering will hit the U.S. mainland.
No one seems to be paying attention when for the longest time, I have been sharing the fact that Puerto Rico is only a microcosm of what is to come to the USA. NO DOUBT, THE SOLE PURPOSE OF U.S. PRESENCE IN P.R. IS MOUNTING THE ENGINEERING LAB SETTING UP THE ALL ALONG AGENDA TO PROFIT IN THE U.S.A.

Luis Muñoz Marin and Hurricane San Felipe,  Circa 1931 

Probably San Ciriaco, 1899, was an engineered project, and it may be why it was also called the Puerto Rico Hurricane. And, while I am on the subject of natural disasters, I mention that Earthquake San Fermin, 1918, was very likely a lab type of Frankenstein earthquake fitting the agenda to turn Puerto Rico into a free but associated and dependent commonwealth, or commonpoverty.

I have written extensively about the Gag Law or Ley de Mordaza, in Puerto Rico. The Grito De Lares Rebellion referred to earlier in this outline was linked to the Mordaza lifestyle, and Luis Muñoz Marin was used to plant this Mordaza bomb in P.R. So, who was the real terrorist, Washington, or the Nationalist Party?

Around 1931, Mr. Muñoz Marin invited Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt to visit the island after the devastation left by Hurricane San Felipe. As a result, President Roosevelt awarded Puerto Rico participating in the ‘New Deal Program', and the federal funds wired to the island embarked them on the dependence ship that they sail on to this day.

Mr. Muñoz Marin's father opposed the military troops that invaded the island in 1898. Mr. Marin’s family ended up moving to New York to protect themselves from their statehood political enemies in Puerto Rico. Mr. Muñoz Marin tried to network and build a coalition with Mr. Albizu Campos, and according to official reports, Mr. Albizu Campos, naturally, did not trust his proximity to Washington.
In 1936, Mr. Muñoz Marin opposed the Tydings-McDuffie Act to grant P.R. its independence based on his notion of adverse financial repercussions for Puerto Rico.

As much as I respect Russian TV, a reporter made an inaccurate report about the reason US granted independence to Philippines and not P.R. The reporter listed distance as reason, when federal funds were really the reason.

The interest of many in Puerto Rico is respected. For example, Mr. Peter Schiff has rendered a service to P.R. With due respect, because Puerto Ricans are so ‘gagged’, it is rare to hear reports from truthful and well informed and objective Puerto Ricans. Well, today, you have.

Incidentally, unlike my grandfather, I have worked and attended college in the U.S.A. and must admit that some Americans have been nicer to me than some in my own family.

I very much identify with Dr. Ron Paul, and respect his service and guiding information. Against all odds, I have reported about Puerto Rico, over and over for years, not to get ratings or to run for office, but because I honestly have the know how, so I really can.

Insert - Reply to this blog by Partido Nacionalista of Puerto Rico

Dear L.E. Vega, I'm addressing you in english just because it seems that it is your first language. I revised your publication and it diverts from the Partido Nacionalista de Puerto Rico, Movimiento Libertador"s position regarding the alleged debt. Puerto Rico was invaded 1898. Following the invasion the Foraker Act was imposed with a military government. The Foraker Act imposed a colonial administration governed by the US's Congress. That Article remained intact in the Jones Act, and was mantained by the Law 600 that created the Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. It is called the Ley de Relaciones Federales and inserted in the "Puerto Rico"s Constitution" without being voted by no one. Under that scheme, PROMESA and the Junta de Control Fiscal is given birth. 

Our position is that the ELA instead of creating a free nation, created a corporation run by the USA's Congress but paid by "El pueblo de Puerto Rico". The Puerto Rican Nation has never being able to contract anything. The bonusses, the juridic persons to contract (buitres), the terms of contract, interests, longevity of loans, the subrogation from buitre to buitre, all that, was contracted by Congress. 
We are aiming the Puerto Rican nation to repudiate a scheme directed to disposess, rob and exploit our people. We claim La deuda no es nuestra. La deuda es del imperio. Total repudiation of the alleged debt.

It is of the USA the only one with political power to authorize a loan, or bonus. All done to develope a place in which they could exploit, experiment, use our people for their wars, use us as a firing range for the military, still happening in Isla de Cabras, trying hard and consistently to dissapear the Puerto Rican nation. Pedro Albizu Campos instructed us to repudiate that scheme and to denounce that the colonized pays the costs of its slavery. 
This time, this posts contains information such as "being free again" that does not corresponds with our enseñanzas or ideals. We would be willing to consider any other. Please include this message in your blog. 
Lcda. Aleida Centeno Rodríguez, Presidenta Interina PNPR ML

pd. USA has a debt with the Puerto Rican Nation. I sugest to read the letter addressed to President Obama regarding the alleged debt and made public at Partido Nacionalista de Puerto Rico.

L.e. Vega Thank you for this information which is concealed from most Puerto Ricans, although I try to read and put pieces of facts together. It was not my intention to leave this information out of the blog; I simply did not understand the ramifications, and my background is not Law, like yours and Mr. Albizu Campos, I will add this information to my blog. And, why aren't Puerto Ricans standing up to clarify this "debt" issue, so that perhaps alternative energy can be installed and Puerto Rico can plan "long term"? The earth in Puerto Rico keeps shaking, and Puerto Ricans many not have much time. Also, please apologize my English. Your English is impeccable. Ironically, Nationalists are usually and ironically the ones with the wealth of mind... I do not have "Spanish" keyboard, and I live like a "rolling rock" around the planet, like many Puerto Ricans. Again, thank you.

Link to Special Committee on Decolonization Calling President Obama and Partido Nacionalista of P.R.

HECTOR PESQUERA SEVILLANO, Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano (MINH), said that at the start of the Third Decade, there were 10 million people living under the yolk of colonialism, 8 million of whom were Puerto Ricans.  Puerto Rico had the distinction of being the oldest colony in its region of the world.  The unemployment rate was at 17 per cent and 48 per cent of Puerto Ricans depended on Government assistance to survive.  Agriculture — once the main industry — had been reduced to “barely nothing”.  Eighty per cent of what was consumed was imported from the United States, and Puerto Rico was forced to bring everything into the country via the United States Navy, the most expensive and inefficient option in the world.  Land and water had been polluted by military bases, while the public debt had ballooned.

Moreover, the disaster caused by colonialism meant that half the population had left the island, he said, pointing out that a solution did not just comprise a claim for dignity and the exercise of principles, though important.  It must include the exercise of the sovereign power of self-determination, which was an urgent need.  The United States must stop destroying the economy and reducing people to an even more impoverished state.  International law must be the basis for considering the case of Puerto Rico.

The proposal for a plebiscite to deal with the problematic relationship between the island and the United States was part of the “imperialist strategy intended to perpetuate colonialism”.  Puerto Rico’s sovereignty belonged to Puerto Ricans, he said, proposing that a constitutional status assembly be held — organized, funded and carried out by Puerto Ricans themselves, without United States intervention.  The case must be examined by the General Assembly in all its facets.  He requested the Special Committee visit Puerto Rico, and he voiced his support for the draft resolution submitted today.

Links regarding PROMESA,

This is what happened...

 ... to our most honest President, JFK.

Image result for images of jfk assassination 

... to one of the best leaders, Malcolm X.

Image result for images of malcolm x assassination

... to a new leader in Hollywood, Freddie Prinze, Sr.

                           Mae Brussel's Report about the death of Freddie Prinze's Sr. Freddie Prinze's Sr. was ousted from Isla Verde's casino scene. The entertainer was never allowed to perform in Puerto Rico again.

Furthermore, MLK's assassination was not about race, but greed because he opposed the Vietnam War, and some profiting entities were threatened, and there is evidence that the FBI was responsible for his assassination. Yet, the government is dividing us racially, making us believe it was about race.

Image result for images of kkk
         First the KKK, now ISIS, both invisible empires created by psychopaths in Washington, 
                the same ones that made money selling arms to Hitler during the war.

Novels by L.E. Vega

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